Getting to Know Our Students: Alicia, Alexa, and Zuri

In School of Ministry by Vicki Fraga

Hello, beloved brothers and sisters of Calvary Chapel Rancho Santa Margarita!

This week, we want to introduce you to a family that has touched our hearts deeply: Alicia and her two daughters, Alexa and Zuri. They joined us a year ago, arriving with Sara and Jesús. Sister Alicia has known Christ since her daughters were little, but when they first came here, Alexa and Zuri didn’t have a relationship with Jesus and didn’t want one. They joined the School of Ministry just to follow the rest of their family, but God had amazing plans for them.

Sister Alicia is a beacon of faith and prayer. Every day, without fail, she wakes up at 3 a.m. to pray. This incredible commitment started one sleepless night when she felt God calling her to pray. Since then, she wakes up at that hour without an alarm, dedicating her time to interceding for others. Alicia is also a compassionate servant, always ready to help those in need. She has built beautiful friendships with the women in our town, offering them guidance, prayer, and a listening ear at any time.

Through their time at the School of Ministry and deepening their understanding of the Word, Alexa and Zuri have experienced a profound transformation. They have turned to God and are fighting the good fight of faith, striving to overcome their old selves each day. They are growing in their walk with Jesus, and it’s been a joy to witness their journey.

As the end of the year approaches, Alexa and Zuri are seeking God’s direction for their future. They ask for your prayers for strength, wisdom, and protection from the Holy Spirit. These decisions are significant, and they want to follow God’s will with all their hearts.

We also ask for your prayers for Alicia’s husband, who remains in Guadalajara. Recently, he has started attending church, which has brought immense joy to the family. They are hopeful and excited but also praying fervently that he continues to seek Jesus and allows Him to transform his life completely.

Dear family in Rancho Santa Margarita, we cannot express enough how much your prayers and support mean to us. Your love and generosity enable us to walk alongside wonderful people like Alicia, Alexa, and Zuri, witnessing the incredible work God is doing in their lives.

Thank you for being a vital part of this beautiful journey. Together, we are bringing the light of Christ to every corner of our community.

With all our love and gratitude,

Vicki and Efraín

P.S. You can read their testimonies on our School Of Ministry page.