A New Beginning: Luz’s Baptism

In Calvary Chapel Boca del Río by Vicki Fraga

Dear brothers and sisters of Rancho Santa Margarita,

I want to share with you the immense joy we felt this week as we witnessed a milestone in the life of Luz, a woman we’ve been discipling along with Jesús and Sara over the past few months. This past Wednesday, Luz took an incredible step of faith by being baptized at the beach, under a sunset that seemed painted by the hand of God.

Since we began discipling Luz and her husband Jovany, we’ve seen a deep desire in them to learn the Word of God. Luz has shown a genuine curiosity, always asking questions about what she has believed all her life, or about what she sees others in the town believe. But what has been truly remarkable is her determination to discover the truth for herself, directly from the source: the Bible.

This process of discipleship has been as enriching for us as it has been for them. We’ve seen Luz grow in her faith, question and better understand the teachings of Jesus, and reach the point where she felt ready to publicly declare her faith through baptism. I cannot describe the emotion we felt as we watched Luz come out of the water, a new creation in Christ. The tears in many of our eyes reflected the joy that only God can give.

I ask that you continue to pray for Luz and Jovany as they continue their walk with Christ. May God continue to guide and strengthen them, and may their pursuit of the truth continue to inspire others in our community.

Brothers and sisters, I encourage you to press on, always remembering that God gives the fruit in His time, and that nothing we do for Him is in vain.

With much love and gratitude,

Efraín & Vicki