Buncho O Stuffs

In Image by Trent Cabrera



hellos, much to say. we haven’t uploaded for a while. there has been a lot going on over here. I’ll try to keep it short. we have a ginormous underground water tank here that is used for the majority of our property. the pump broke, we ran out of water, and so we used it as an opportunity to clean it out. much salt and dirt had built up over the years. So everyone gathered together and emptied the last feet of water with buckets and then jumped on in to sweep and mop it out. it’s hot and humid in Boca, it’s much worse in a well.

Someone wanted to purchase pillars like the ones we have at the restaurant, so we spent a few weeks churning them out and then loaded all those heavy things on to a trailer to deliver. a several hour drive to somewhere we have never been before. but i enjoy these opportunities to draw closer to the folks we have down here.

the floor to the restaurant has finally been finished. much work has gone in to it. everybody is very happy with the results. we were able to host the student’s graduation (more on that later perhaps) dinner outside on the very night we finished. 

I left with Pastor Tom and Naomi the same night of graduation. we were hoping to drive the van, with trailer in tow, straight to RSM. the first leg went well, arriving at the border pretty quickly. but we then had to wait 3 hours to cross. thinking that was the worst of it, the van broke the next day. we were stuck in Arizona. about 110 miles from Yuma. after 2.5 days in Arizona, we caught a ride back the CA. the van is now scrap. at least i got Taco Bell in Arizona…

so, RIP van, adios graduates, and now we are working at a couple other projects, getting everything clean and prepped for the new students to show up in October.