Vero smiling

Getting to Know Our Students: Vero

In School of Ministry by Vicki Fraga

Hello, beloved brothers and sisters of Calvary Chapel Rancho Santa Margarita!

This week, we want to introduce you to Vero, a second-year student in our School of Ministry. Vero is 26 years old, and her spiritual growth during this time has been truly inspiring. She shares how, through trials and the support of our pastor, she has learned to grow in love and patience. Her testimony is a beautiful evidence of God’s transformative power.

Vero is the daughter of Sister Sujey, a single mother of three. Sujey has been experiencing severe back pain that prevents her from working, so she has started coming to Boca del Río on weekends to sell homemade ice cream and attends our church along with her son José, Vero’s brother.

Despite the difficulties, Vero is grateful to God for what He is doing in the church and feels a deep calling to care for and disciple others. As the end of the school year approaches, Vero is seeking God’s will for her future. She is concerned about supporting her family and wants to find a balance between helping at home and not neglecting her service to God. She asks for prayers for wisdom and discernment to listen to God and not her own fears.

Vero has been a great blessing in the School of Ministry. She leads the youth group with a charisma and character that draws in the teenagers and encourages them to trust in God amidst their struggles. Additionally, she has faithfully led our prayer time for a long period, showing her great love for God through her devotion and praise.

Dear brothers and sisters of Rancho Santa Margarita, thank you for your constant prayers and support. Your donations and prayers are making a significant difference here in Boca del Río, allowing students like Vero to flourish in their faith and ministry.

Please continue to pray for Vero, her family, and all our students. Together, we are bringing the light of Christ!

With much love and gratitude,

Vicki and Efraín

Learn more about our School of Ministry