Graduation is getting close

In School of Ministry by Vicki FragaLeave a Comment

Dear brothers and sisters at Calvary Chapel Rancho Santa Margarita,

With just three weeks left until our students’ graduation, preparations are well underway for this special event. This week, we’ve been working together as a team, sanding and varnishing platforms that will be used for the decorations. But more important than the physical preparations are the preparations of the heart.

Our students are also preparing their hearts, doubling their efforts and giving their best in these final days. Throughout the year, they’ve been studying a manual on “Self-Confrontation,” which guides them to examine themselves in the light of God’s Word. Recently, they’ve been completing the final self-confrontation exam. It’s beautiful to see how they support one another: Marcela isn’t afraid to ask questions, and Vero responds with patience and the wisdom she’s gained over the past two years, just like Jesús and Sara. They’ve also had powerful times of worship and prayer, where the Holy Spirit has led them to confess their offenses, forgive one another, and pray together.

We’ve faced challenges along the way. Illness has been a significant hurdle, with many students being hindered from their responsibilities due to sickness. Another challenge has been maintaining unity; interpersonal conflicts and our own flesh often stand in the way of loving our brothers and sisters and esteeming them above ourselves. But together, we’ve been striving to overcome selfishness—a battle each of us must fight daily, not only for our own good but for the good of our community.

As we reflect on these experiences, we find ourselves with mixed emotions. On one hand, we know that these are our last days together, and we will surely miss one another. But on the other hand, we are filled with joy and gratitude that the students have persevered, that they are finishing the year strong, and that the Lord has used this time to teach, transform, and perfect them.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are deeply grateful for the role you play in this journey.

With love and gratitude,

Vicki and Efraín

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