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An Unforgettable Sunday in Boca del Rio!

In Calvary Chapel Boca del Río by Vicki Fraga

Hello, dear brothers and sisters of Calvary Chapel Rancho Santa Margarita!We want to share with you the incredible blessing we experienced this past Sunday. Our dear sister church, Calvary Chapel Compuertas, visited us for a very special event: the baptisms in the river. It was a day full of joy, fellowship and the mighty move of God. We walked together …

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Long Wait

In Trent and Karen's Blog, Video by Trent Cabrera

It’s been quite a while since we’ve last posted. many things have happened since. concerts, gatherings, students coming and going, a lot of running around. our son has grown a lot in such a short time. he’s off running and dancing and will hopefully be speaking soon. we received his passport and other documents not long ago and have already …

He’s Here

In Trent and Karen's Blog by Trent Cabrera

Our baby has arrived. For folks that don’t know, our baby boy has just been born. We have named him Emilio Sebastian Cabrera – Lopez. he’s been doing a good job at keeping us awake so far. We are very excited to have the opportunity to watch him grow and, Lord willing, raise him well. My wife and I both …

New Year

In Trent and Karen's Blog by Trent Cabrera

Back again. well, the new year has rolled on in (for a while now). there’s been quite  bit going on, as usual. Karen is more and more preggers every day so running around in the city is starting to become a bit more taxing but, carrying on! speekin’ of preggers, this seems like a good place for her progress photos. …

Getting Ready

In Trent and Karen's Blog by Trent Cabrera

Hellos! we finally got internet back again so here we are.  well, to start off, we have everybody working hard on the church property right now. outside we are moving a ton of ginormous rocks into another location to clear a path for dump trucks and what not. as well as moving piles of gravel around to fill in any …

Random goodness

In Trent and Karen's Blog by Trent Cabrera

  welp, we are almost finished with our little house here at church. before i came, the house was missing a few things. like a kitchen. so we knocked down a wall, built a few more. but the whole floor was torn up cement. so we added tile since it was always crumbling and really rough. A lot of our …

Buncho O Stuffs

In Trent and Karen's Blog by Trent Cabrera

    hellos, much to say. we haven’t uploaded for a while. there has been a lot going on over here. I’ll try to keep it short. we have a ginormous underground water tank here that is used for the majority of our property. the pump broke, we ran out of water, and so we used it as an opportunity …

Biggish News

In Trent and Karen's Blog by Trent Cabrera

Karen is preggers. Right now she’s about 1 month in and apparently it takes about 3 before we can know the gender. So we’ll keep folks posted on that. We’ve also already begun to think of names and make a few plans for the future. We’re eager to see what God is going to do. Secret: I have no idea …

The Road to Town

In Video by Trent Cabrera

Hello, we went for a drive to our closest city recently and figured we should grab a quick video. Though the video is very simple and straight forward, I wanted it because I recalled being back in the States, before arriving to Boca Del Rio, and wondering just how remote it is. The description often given to me was simply …

Working on the Floor

In Trent and Karen's Blog by Trent Cabrera

Ahoyhoy! Thankfully my wife is always hiding and taking pictures from somewhere because I don’t usually use my camera at all. Well, here she has captured us all working on the floor of the restaurant. I believe we had all hands on deck for this one. With a few people dedicated to mixing up cement, some cutting stone, and others …